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House of Lords

Replace Lords with a senate of the regions...

Overhauling Parliament’s London-dominated second chamber would help empower the UK’s...

Current Affairs Commentary
A House of Citizens could revolutionise Scottish democracy

It’s time to put deliberation at the heart...

Last Saturday the final session of the Citizen’s Assembly of...

ERS Scotland
ERS Annual report 2020

Building a better democracy – 2020 and the...

It’s hard to think of a more troubling year in...

Developments at the ERS
the Prime Minister should be exploring new ways to give power to local communities

Boris Johnson might not like devolution but it’s...

This article was originally published on inews.co.uk. You could dismiss...

Current Affairs Commentary
“We must be able to see who is pumping money into influencing powerful figures”

How Holyrood can close the lobbying loopholes –...

Scotland’s lax transparency rules are leaving voters in the dark...

Current Affairs Commentary
2019 must be the last election with voters left in the dark

As the Scottish Government closes the ‘dark ads’...

For too long now, online political campaigning in Britain has gone effectively...

Current Affairs Commentary
Local leaders need a strong challenge, regardless of which party they come from

Looking back at a decade of proportional representation...

"When we now come to use Westminster’s one-person-takes-all system in...

ERS Scotland
The Local Democracy Bill must stem from more than just traditional consultation

Deepening democracy with Scotland’s Local Democracy Bill

Democracy isn’t static, it is a process. It isn’t always...

ERS Scotland
A generation in England and Northern Ireland are being left behind

England, give young people the vote like your...

If you were a 16 or 17-year-old is Scotland, you...

Current Affairs Commentary
Constitutional Convention

Aberdeen: What is Scotland’s Citizens’ Assembly?

On the 26th and 27th October 100 of Scotland’s citizens...

ERS Scotland
Our Democracy

How To Upgrade our Democracy – Why Citizens’...

The Scottish Government says it is committed to deepening democracy...

Current Affairs Commentary
There’s plenty of good practice which the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland can draw on

The Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland: What can be...

How do you ensure the recently-announced Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland is open...

Current Affairs Commentary